Avg. conversion rate:
Goals: exit intent, time on site, and scroll percentage spin to win wheel for cart abandonment recovery, special offers
Exit-Intent and Scroll Percentage Countdown Popup
Our countdown popups are remarkably efficient and have been shown to improve sales. Today, add our countdown timer popup to your site and see how quickly your customers respond to your specific goals.
Custom background images can also be added to our adaptable and responsive popups.
Choose from a variety of designs and layouts to personalize the appearance of your countdown timer. Display instantly after a certain amount of time has passed, on a page’s scroll down, or when the visitor plans to exit the site.
Countdown clocks give your campaigns a sense of urgency, encourage customers to buy, and increase conversion rates. Your timer can be set to your local time or to the time zones of your clients.
Benefits of countdown popup
Keep your visitors informed about stock levels and promotional dates.
When items are scarce, people treasure them more than when they are plentiful. Use this to your advantage by providing time-based offers to your visitors via our appealing countdown pop-up.
Keep your visitors informed about stock levels and promotional dates.
When items are scarce, people treasure them more than when they are plentiful. Use this to your advantage by providing time-based offers to your visitors via our appealing pop-ups.
Encourage your customers to act right away.
Countdown pop-ups efficiently create a sense of urgency, prompting visitors to choose whether or not to accept your offer immediately.
Recover abandoned shopping carts and increase sales
Countdown pop-ups are commonly used to recover abandoned carts and urge visitors to buy or provide their email addresses. This will assist you in increasing your sales and gaining new subscribers more quickly.
Features of our Countdown timer
Here are some features of our Countdown timer:
Easy-to-use Editor
Create pop-ups using our creative and user-friendly UI.
Advanced Subjects
Modify the elements in your pop-ups for limitless possibilities.
Use your favourite analytics platform to track conversions.
Our popups are easily customizable and can serve your unique business needs. They also have exit-intent technology that helps you convert site visitors to paying customers and subscribers.
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